Thursday, December 3, 2009

Chanel going GREEN

The ways that Chanel is choosing to go green is to implement a system where for every dollar that you spend at the CHANEL brand then they will send half of the proceeds to help feed the children in foreign countries. This makes customers feel like they are contributing to a good cause as well as purchasing goods that they like and enjoy buying. Another great thing that the company can do to help the environment is to create all garments that can be turned back into the company to be recycled. This would help people to feel that instead of throwing there clothes away they could just take them back to the store to be recycled and then Chanel could offer them a discount or even a gift card for doing this. The garments that could be receycled would have a green CHANEL logo on the inside of each garment. Another thing is to use all green friendly products in there store such as cleaning supplies and light bulbs. Some customers might notice this, but at the same time it is more just to help the environment.

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