Thursday, December 3, 2009

Balenciaga Going Green??

One of the current things that Balenciaga could do is take the old leather Balenciaga bag and have them recycled into new leather pieces such as a bracelet, headband, or another bag. What would happen is the customer would bring in their old bag and then there would be a checklist of things that could be made out of that size bag and you would mark the things that you want. It would have a small fee, but it would help things to be recycled and the customer to feel like they were getting new items. Another thing that they can do is to design a recyclable bag to place items in that are purchased and then if they bring that bag in every Monday they receive 10% off their purchase. The company could also go green in all of the store and in the House of Balenciaga. They could basically have all of the buildings restructured with green light bulbs and cleaning supplies as well as making sure all of the tools and things that they use are green and can be recycled.

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