Wednesday, November 11, 2009


These colorful bags were so popular that there was a waiting list just to get one. They are one of Balenciaga's staple pieces to every outfit.

This is one of the shoes from the fall 2007 collection. They really stood out to me because of the detail that was put into each inch of the shoe.

Cristobal Balenciaga changed the way women looked at a fashionable silhouette during the twentieth century. He created garments that were very graceful and that were very feminine. Balenciaga was born in Spain in January of 1895. While growing up he would watch his mother who was seamstress. While he was growing up one of his clients sent him to Madrid to get formal training in tailoring. He opened his first branch of boutique in Eisa which is located in Madrid. Later on be began opening them in Barcelona and San Sebastia'n. After the Spanish Civil War Balenciaga decided to move to Paris and open a store there that would soon open new doors with many new opportunities. In August of 1937 he did his first runway show at his Avenue Gorge V atelier. Many of his earlier creations showed a lot of Spanish influence. In 1957 he started playing around with his designs and discovered the world of high-waisted baby doll dress and draped coats as well as the balloon skirt. Many of the these fashions still exists and are still used as inspiration for many designers today.
Below are two vintage pieces that Balenciaga designed. Both of the pictures are from some of his early designs. These pieces are very elegant and feminine. I like how he plays with trims and patterns.

These are two examples of the Balenciaga logo. The first is an older logo that they originally used and the second is the logo that is used now.

1 comment:

  1. i love the balenciaga bags and the bright colors they used. so cute :)
